Regional Analysis

Projecting sub-national, national and multi-national environmental and economic change under different policy scenarios

Understanding local energy, economic, political and geographic conditions is crucial for any realistic analysis of viable policy options that relate to global change. However, local development plans are often affected by the performance of global markets. Our analytic tools allow us to produce regional analyses while ensuring that impacts from global markets and local development in other regions are adequately represented. We conduct a wide range of high-resolution regional studies at subnational, national, and multinational levels.

Africa • Asia & Australasia • Europe • North America • South & Central America

To learn how your organization can benefit from funding our research, please visit the Joint Program Sponsorship page. 


Journal Article
Gurgel, A.C., J.E.A.Seabra, S.M. Arantes, M.M.R. Moreira, L. R. Lynd and R. Galindo  (2024). Nature Sustainability, doi: 10.1038/s41893-024-01424-5
Journal Article
Reddy, P.J., S. Chinta, H. Baki, R. Matear and J. Taylor (2024). Geophysical Research Letters , 51(17) (doi: 10.1029/2024GL111074)
Special Report
Paltsev, S.  (2024). New Zealand Treasury paper: Themes from the Treasury’s Guest Lecture Series: Productivity in a Changing World , Presentation Summary, pp. 21-2

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Research Projects


Joint Program
Research staff
MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change; MIT Energy Initiative
Research staff
Joint Program
Collaborators, Alumni
CGCS; Joint Program
Research staff
Joint Program
Sloan; Joint Program
Research staff
MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change; Centre for Global Change Science (CGCS)
Research staff
Joint Program; CGCS
Joint Program
Research staff
Joint Program
Joint Program; MITEI